I swear if you take out that control ship...

Симулятор раздачи карт
Вероятности: 0% – 0% еще
Образована от
Roger Roger! 0 1 0 1.0
Основа для
Roger Roger! 0 0 1 3.0

RebelTraitor 259

my first deck. just getting into the game. Any feedback is accepted. Thank you!

3 комментария

Menergy 1

personally i would swap out your wingman with a training because with the battle droids ability you have a 50% chance to roll out another one which could make

Menergy 1

Additionally i would suggest removing imperial war machine because you can just exhaust one of your battle droids to remove the resource cost on the sonic cannon

Menergy 1

Sorry for all the comments but i would also look at changing battlefields to Docking Bay it would allow you to get out separatist landing craft for cheaper. Adding Command Bridge could be help full. I also i really like scorched earth if you are playing a deck that gets out lots of upgrade dice you can hit your opponent for a ton of indirect damage