Mono-Red "Vehicles" (Hero)

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mukked 114

The main focus of this deck is a traditional aggro deck with Baze Malbus - Crack Shot loaded up with weapons. Hera Syndulla - Phoenix Leader plays two roles, both as support character to Baze and as minor combo piece. Rather than fill up the deck with Vehicles like most Hera decks and find ways to consistently resolve her Special, this deck plays only a few Vehicles and relies almost entirely on luck to hit Hera's Special (but doesn't just outright lose if yoy don't). This could be enough to get your opponent to mistakingly target Hera before Baze, leaving you with your strongest character for the majority of the game.

Side note: The Docking Bay - Finalizer + Honor Guard combo is just too good to pass up, and both cards are good on their own in this deck.

5 комментариев

Ramin2-D2 550

probably add a second U-Wing. why Promotion? and definitely wants Hit And Run

dpuck1998 46

I run something similar, I can get it to be good but not great. Fun though, Baze is silly if he can ramp up!

mukked 114

I am trying to work in a 4th vehicle. U-Wing and the new ambush vehicle from the draft set are at the top of my list for consideration.

Promotion is in there basically as a curve filler. Would like better options for 1-cost red upgrades, though, for sure.

Hit and Run I'm not so sure about, though. It's definitely great in certain decks. Just not sure this is one of them. Mostly there just isn't space for it. I'd rather run a heavy spread of removal and defensive cards over something like that.

TheoGrizz 29

Three vehicles isn't really enough to justify a Pinned Down. You have 12 defensive cards without it, which is plenty. You could even afford to take out another one or two.

Hit and Run is a good add. Fortuitous Strike could get in some extra damage. Rearm is a nice money saver.

A T-47 Airspeeder, or even a Z-95 Headhunter, would do you better than Black One. Those are cheap enough that you could outright play them if you needed to. Obviously, if you have another U-Wing, add that instead.

Wingman doesn't really combo with much here; it's just making you just a little bit faster. You can just claim a little early when needed. Because Hera's die is not that important in your deck, Scatterblaster would be great on her. Of course, a second Rocket Launcher would be good, too, if you have another.

TL;DR... Pinned Down is not worth it here. You could take it out, along with a Rebel Assault and a Sound The Alarm, for a pair of Hit and Runs and either a Fortuitous Strike or a Rearm. 10 is still a good amount of defense. T-47 Airspeeder would be better than Black One, unless you have another U-Wing. You can take out at least one Wingman, and add a Scatterblaster, unless you have another Rocket Launcher.

TheoGrizz 29

I started that comment before you posted yours. I'm just doing other things at the moment. So my comment is not in reply to your recent comment. FYI.