Lord Junkar (4-0 at local tournament)

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HairyPotter 114

This deck went 4-0 and won at a local tournament!

Classic Jabba Mill with a little Crime Lord/Ace in the Hole trick which was far more consistent than I thought it would be. I Was able to Crime Lord an old Phasma turn one in a particular game which was suuuper juicy!

Never played Prized Possession since I was playing a lot of cheap 3-character decks so I never felt it was necessary but I love it as a security blanket.

Fast Hands and Blackmail are so amazing here and what's great is they can be deployed on either character. It doesn't matter which character they target first, they both satisfy the needs of the deck to finish the game and slowly discard hands, generate tons of resource, and buy out the rest of an opponent's deck.

After a smidge of play testing, I firmly believe Fort Anaxes - Anaxes is the ultimate battlefield. Opponent never benefits and I can control crazy damage and turtle even better!

I still feel these guys struggle against crazy aggro like new Kylo or old Vader so I Would love to hear your guy's thoughts! Thanks!

4 комментария

caseymalone 12

Fort Anaxes over Command Center? That 2 Mill a turn seems really important.

DreadFool 1

@caseymalone Except most of the time the two cards being milled are from your deck. I used to run Command Center with Ascension Gun but there's no room for a mostly cute combo like that now. The best you can hope for in a battlefield is one that might help you a bit the one or two times you get to claim and do nothing for your opponent the rest of the time.

HairyPotter 114

`@caseymalone I tried play testing with Command Center first but I found that it was just too devastating when I didn't have a chance to claim on those slow turns. On the flip side, those early when I can guardian a die to prevent a huge chain have been big time whilst they can do nothing with it. You're absolutely right though, you really can't go wrong with 2 extra mill so it really becomes a meta call!

HairyPotter 114

@DreadFool I agree that Ascension gun does become a little too cute. At first I thought that Ace/Crime Lord would be similar but I have been ridiculously satisfied with the results!