82-3 New Meta Breaker 4 Wide Hero Vehicles

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EAW - Vehicles?! ROLA ROLA - 20 Players Store Winner 2 1 0 1.0

zmanfarlee 19

This deck has been very successful at doing what vehicles decks should do.... FOCUS ON VEHICLES. The problem with the Maz/Hera decks is that it is a hybrid of focusing on vehicles and characters. This is a mistake. By leaning on characters you sacrifice the strongest part of your deck.... the vehicles and the supports. By using a Maz/Hera strategy you lower your health total making you more susceptible to aggro and giving your vehicles LESS time to work for you. What's worse is when this aggro deck kills one of your heroes it's crushing if done early. Now you have lost a focus of your deck and your health total is getting low.

Enter 4-wide heroes.

32 starting health and 42 with second chances. If they kill a character... who cares? you have plenty more and will be able to play second chances.

On character selection: Hired guns have great health for the cost and are versatile they can be resource generators offensive to finish of characters. I am also not below using c3po to so a 1 for 3 resource exchange. I used to have two rookie pilots which work great but decided to add single Ezra instead. This allows 3 dice with one third of the faces generating resources and pretty much guarantees you will get one second chance off at least meaning your vehicles have 37 health timer. Also allows Ezra to be a big juicy first target for opponents which is probably preferred.

The resource engine: Outside just our characters in general we have 2x Aftermath, 2x Tech Team, 1x Rally Aid. I used to have 2x Rally Aid's but it's usually enough to have one. Don't forget you can discard down to one card to re-roll even 0 dice so that Rally Aid hits the vehicle you want and then use Tech Team in conjunction to reduce the cost by 3. I have very rarely had an issue with money, and I don't think you will either. Aftermath is honestly an all star and not just for villains.

Vehicle selection: It may seem like there are too many supports but part of this deck is the occasional discard to fix dice. Don't underestimate the T-47. I have c3po'd it into a special to get 2 extra re-rolls to fix my dice in devastating fashion. Y-Wing does great work always but if you can swing a u-wing 1st turn or second you can get a lot of value from adding 8 shields now. I have done it and it is devastating.

General play: Your characters are not valuable, your vehicles are. Don't worry if a character dies 1st turn. If no character dies turn 1 you are in great shape. Don't worry about damage up front unless you are playing mill/choke. If you are use rend on salvage stand and focus on a character using hired guns early. You need to be careful to balance this with getting vehicles out. If you face aggro just don't even worry about dealing damage turn 1. If you can great but otherwise re-roll for resources to get a 3 drop or 2 2 drops or something with a c3po mixed in. You will do very little damage turn 1 and 2 but all of the sudden turn 3 and 4 you are destroying one character a turn and outputting more damage then your opponent can. Be smart about your removal! Let damage happen and use removal to make it so they have to use 2 dice to finish a character rather than 1 mid game. This allows you to get the second chance out and crush their dreams. Mid to late game you will also be re-rolling to fix vehicle dice and destroy worlds.

The trump card: I HIGHLY suggest playing Fall Back at least once in your life. I have played it against a team with 6 upgrades to my one and the shift in board state is down right oppressive. Make sure you at least are in a position to destroy 4 resources worth of their upgrades. A tie in removal of their cards to cost of Fall Back is fine because of your resource generation.

Possible cards to switch: Rend could be taken out but Salvage Stand scares me and it slows down blue villains so I keep it. T-47 is a great card, don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. Z-95 always seems risky but it works out, This deck has been tuned and things are there for a reason.

Definitely open to suggestions. Also as a side note. Don't worry if you leave a 3 ranged for 1 on the board. It's ok and you will be fine. Play the deck.. It's FUN!

2 комментария

Schattenriss 1

I really like this deck. What do you think is the most difficult match-up?

zmanfarlee 19

I need to update with newer cards. Force Wave will hurt this deck so probably a blue hero matchup. With the new set this deck can get faster with refit. I also thing Fang Fighter will be the card that lets vehicles flourish because it plugs a hole in the curve.