Captain Jango

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fallin85 237

The deck is pretty simple, use upgrades on Jango Fett - Lethal Mercenary, strictly redeploy weapons. I save the 3 cost weapons to upgrade Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician so she can kill off the opponent remaining characters.

Salvage Stand is extremely important as Jango Fett - Lethal Mercenary and Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician both have resource sides.

An ideal opening hand should contain a 2 cost redeploy weapon such as LL-30 Blaster Pistol or Holdout Blaster, Salvage Stand, Friends in Low Places, He Doesn't Like You, and other.

If Jango Fett - Lethal Mercenary has 2 redeploy weapons, don't be afraid to use Dug in to keep him alive.

Deadly is a great finisher upgrade which will allow you to remove Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician dice and exhaust the upgrade to do 2 unblockable damage.

Since the deck is so fast discarding an opponent cards from their hand with War-Torn Streets - Jedha is very powerful. But sometimes opting for an opponent battlefield is just as important when facing another agro deck.

2 комментария

eckospider 213

What do you think of Fight Dirty as a finisher, would you drop a Rend? just a thought.

fallin85 237

Fight Dirty is a great card but I don't know if it fits in the deck since it does the most damage when removing yellow character and weapon dice. Since most people will go after Jango Fett - Lethal Mercenary the number of yellow dice will be limited to LL-30 Blaster Pistol and X-8 Night Sniper