eLando/eMothma Mill (post errata w/guide)

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Lando Mothma Shield Mill (w/guide) 0 0 0 1.0
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eLando/eMothma Shield Mill (post errata w/guide) 0 0 0 3.0

Brandonious 222

A fun concept I was working on before the recent errata (10/24/17), which should now make this...~viable??? ::coughcoughnowaycoughmaybecough::

The concept was to shield yourself up so much that you mill your opponent out. (My local meta agreed to stop using VK for a stint so we could try different things) To make sure you're getting the job done, 3PO can turn any side into a discard OR shields, which are your main goals!

Surviving and getting cards out of hand are the jobs for this build.


Lando Calrissian - Galactic Entrepreneur is one of my favorite characters from the original trilogy! So a personal bonus for myself. His 3 start is nothing to laugh at. He's putting you at turn two just by starting the game! Lando was about being ahead of the game in the movies after he was introduced in Empire Strikes Back, and I wanted to see a deck that could incorporate some of the same through Destiny. / / helps the hero's do just that.

Mon Mothma - Skilled Politician has a great ability. Variance is the name of this game and with her on the field you are constantly testing your opponents luck - At least if they have red or yellow characters. Her for mill through Spy Net helps wither your opponent, and her double faces help keep your game moving and able to do anything. 9 Health hurts, but we are just trying to stay alive, so 1 health is really all that we need to be afraid of. She is more than likely your last character.


Comlink - More for Spy Net, and 's for all occasions, plus a and a killer after ability...continuing the luck test.

EMP Grenades - Some and die sides, with a couple of good values, and a special ability that is too good for some of these vehicle decks. Plus, any other 3PO shenanigans from an opponent. Not 100% with this upgrade, but there are some vehicle decks that are terrifying.

Diplomatic Immunity - The value's on this die are incredible to pair with 3PO, and you're guaranteed a number!!! Also, having the ability to throw down 4 's is an amazing feeling, especially if they just removed them.


C-3PO - THE star player of this build. Mulligan, mulligan, mulligan for him in your opening hand. It's not game over if you don't get him, but it makes the plays soooooooo much easier.

Air Superiority - A card that I've never seen played, but I'm in the market for something that'll give shields. I really don't care for anything else. I had a U-Wing sitting in this spot before AS (to use the special for shields, and more numbers for 3PO).

Y-Wing - Helps get rid of your opponents opportunities. There are only a couple of sides with a value, but 4 health or could be big, especially if it hits multiple times. This can still be swapped. I'm not 100% on it yet.

Spy Net - Obvious


Field Medic / Loth-Cat and Mouse / Negotiate / with a shout-out to Friends in Low Places & Emergency Evacuation - This is the removal suite that works well with the characters and doesn't rely on having the battlefield. Loth-Cat was chosen because there are situations where the play is slower than the opponents. With that time, most other players have some dice on the field, and as long as you've rolled some one out, you can time this play (early or later) to take away a big swing or at least the threat of one. Emergency Evac because sometimes the opponent rolls really well, and your shields have all been used.

All Quiet On The Front / Spirit of Rebellion / Strike Briefing / Rebel are all to get 's going, and more milling if possible. Using Rebel as a "third" copy of All Quiet...excellent. Strike Briefing is fun to play with and gives you a little knowledge of what to do next.

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