qui-gon maz

Симулятор раздачи карт
Вероятности: 0% – 0% еще
Образована от
Ничего. Это самодельная колода.
Основа для
Еще ничего.

Luckiertech 23


1 комментарий

SSjedi 1

Fun looking deck! You've got focus, melee, and shields, and Maz makes things fast. Health is an issue, maybe throw second chance in there. Impersonate can put the damage on Maz and keep QuiGon alive longer. Fair trade couldn't hurt either so you've got some cash. Your eyes deceive you should be in any QuiGon deck. There's so many others you could throw in depending on if you want to focus on shields for QuiGon, or melee damage. Have fun!