Bossk is in Control

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jjjetplane209 38

I built this deck to try and make Bossk good, and I was pleasantly surprised how it ran. It's a funky, controlly agro deck combo that's got some tricks.

Here's the deal:

  1. Hard mulligan for the Fast Hands. The thing that makes Bossk so difficult to use smoothly is that one oddball 3/1. Fast Hands makes that a moot point, and turns a hard die side to execute into a gift from the gods.
  2. Control is important. There's some die removal here, but Imperial Inspection and Salvage Stand will keep you alive a lot longer than you'd think. Particularly when used at the right times. Every character here has and , making all of them potential triggers.
  3. Bazine's is not that bad. She gets a lot of guff, and in most cases she's probably a liability to an agro deck. However, Bossk's ability, which itself seems odd, actually turns out to do work. You're not looking for that , but if it comes up, don't stress.
  4. Hound's Tooth + Bait and Switch + Anarchy. 4 damage to each character. It's out of the box, unexpected, and will wreck, particularly if your opponent was spending die removal on the ranged damage.
  5. You have 28 health. Add in Fort Anaxes - Anaxes, and you can keep everybody alive and kicking for a long time. Also keep in mind that most weapons here have redeploy, and that has paid in spades.

Is this a Tier 1 deck? Maybe, probably no. Here's what I do know. I beat eVader/ePhasma, and came within a single die roll of putting down eCad/ePhasma. That was on it's initial run, first time playing the deck. I definitely misplayed a few times, being new to control decks. This deck has the die removal where it counts, the health to weather the storm, and puts out a surprising amount of damage. It's done well enough for me to tweak, and take back to my local tournament. My one doubt currently is the F-11D Rifle. I'm debating swapping it for a DH-17 Blaster Pistol to keep the cost down and provide more of a ramp.

Either way, is Bossk good? No. Can you make him do work? Very much so, yes, and the deck is worth the build.

1 комментарий

SillyJedi 477

Bossk is sweet :) Check out my list "Bossk Chicka wow wow :)