Red Blue TrooperForce Deck

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Enterprise 1

This deck was in part based off of the 3 Troops & Your Sister deck by Retro-Matic Gamer on YouTube. I wanted to try and build a deck out of cards that I already had, or were easy to obtain. Rather than utilize three Stormtroopers, I added in Servant of the Dark Side so I could take upgrades off the Nightsister when and if she dies.

This deck does partly rely on getting up Attrition and Aftermath up. Then any characters that go down only benefit you better - if Nightsister is low on health, using her ability to re-roll a separate die, and off herself to add extra damage using Attrition can help whittle down higher health characters (as well as gain a few extra resources).

Vibroknife and Force Speed aren't necessary cards in this deck. They were upgrades I already had and since Servant of the Dark Side has melee damage sides instead of ranged, like the other three characters, it felt fitting to include Vibroknife and since this is a slower deck, Force Speed felt fitting to action cheat as much as possible. These could be replaced with more guns.

This deck could use some changes in dice mitigation - of the few games I've tested it in, I would definitely take out one copy of Flank and replace it for another mitigation card. Flank only does any good early game when all characters are still alive, and works best when used in conjunction with Squad Tactics.

Rend is definitely great in removing cards such as Force Speed if your opponent gets one up, especially since this is a slower, low health deck.

Local Garrison is another card I might remove a copy of and replace with another mitigation card, as it didn't see as much use with its cost and priority.

Power of the Dark Side works great with the First Order Stormtrooper, Datapad and Infantry Grenades cards to take advantage of the high number of blanks present.

Starship Graveyard - Jakku is a common battlefield and is useful in two ways. One, because of the blanks present in the deck, if you have to re-roll often, it can help gain back any discards of upgrades that might get lost. It is also to try and slow down mill decks if you find yourself running lower on cards, it might be beneficial to claim to stall out to be able to rack up more damage. If the battlefield doesn't get chosen, then the shields work just as well to add a little buffer on these lower health characters.

Endless Ranks is a last resort card - I've included one, like Retro-Matic Gamer, because of the high cost of the card - Aftermath and Drudge Work can help cover the cost of the card.

This deck does have more trouble against heavy aggro decks from my so far limited experience, but holds up decently on its own against mill and other slower decks. Suggestions are welcome on improvements for this deck!

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