Run n' Gun (please look and give feedback)

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zmanfarlee 19

Hey all could really use some help tuning this. I think it can shine if it continues to be tweaked.

The deck is simple you want to get vehicles on the board permanently. In the late game it becomes very tough for an opponent to hold off the onslaught of 6 supports.

The character choice is for fighting aggro as 28 health plus two shields usually means you can make it to round 5 or 6 and that means you have at least two turns of a ridiculous vehicle strike staring down your opponent. I usually put shields on Hera but if she is lost at the end of turn two its not game because the character selection is very flexible. Hired Gun's can be used to get resources for vehicles but if bad things happen they can flip to attack mode. You really need to be shooting for 1-2 vehicle/supports each round.

Here is where I can use some input:

Thoughts on amount of vehicles? I think 13 is the right number because it balances vehicles with help to get those vehicles out. The trade I can make here is basically do I want to get rid of tech teams for more vehicles.

Energy generation? I think the curve is very tight but usually right where it needs to be. I threw in fair trades to help but this is probably where I can use the most help (Should I keep Fair Trade?).

2nd 2nd Chance? I think 1 is enough but I would like to hear thoughts.

Rally Aid/ Tech Team? I LOVE Rally Aid. You just use it late round and discard for re-rolls to get to the perfect last card or two so chance is taken out of the equation. Is having all 4 overkill? I am highly considering taking a Tech Team out.

Other Thoughts:

-Y-Wing is a straight house.

-This is the Deck C-3PO was born for. Using him on a Y-Wing or Hera is beautiful.

-I really think this deck well tuned can easily be tier 2 and maybe break into the big time. The combination of health and flexibility of roles for the Hired Guns really makes this deck shine.

I appreciate any and all help!

3 комментария

Tybrid 922

Appraise should be in this deck. Tone down the overall number of supports in general. Quantity works as a concept, so does quality, but trying to do both is going to get you into trouble. You need to support your supports be it through Deploy Squadron for the little guys, or Reckless Reentry and Strategic Planning for the big guys.

zmanfarlee 19

@Tybrid Thanks for the ideas. I really don't know why I didn't think of Appraise. At first i traded Fair Trade for Stolen Cache but I am going to try Appraise instead. So far as number of supports I slightly disagree. Eight of the supports are dice mitigation, dice fixing (3po), or getting vehicles out cheaper. I look at them as more of events that are supports.

Ill try to drop a Tech Team and Maybe one of the appraises ton increase strategic planning though. That's a solid play that will likely help in the near term.

Thanks I will try the ideas.

zmanfarlee 19

@TybridAppraise helped, thanks.