Alex with The Chance Cube: Aggro Sister Red

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RadiantXela 1

So I've been testing multiple ideas for Seventh Sister, and this is probably one of the better solutions I´ve found.

Focus: Stacking Droids - even above the usual max 3!

How: Hard mulligan for Feint and ID9 Seeker Droid once you're at 3+ Resources (this should be doable on turn 1).

Control Options: Not a lot, but The Best Defense... is definetly in here with Flank being debatable next to Cannon Fodder - use the one you prefer here, but keep the control at 4-6 cards for optimal Damage.

The fun: Activate Feint on Seventh Sister - Then roll her out, you're now at atleast 2 Droids. Activate The Price of Failure to ready her and roll another time - now at atleast 3. Use Force Strike or Clash to do some serious damage - hopefully killing off 1-2 characters in one turn.

Weakness: Control heavy decks with lots of mill are a problem; You need the cards in hand to pull of the big blows.

Strenght: Soooo much damage! Also a uniqueness that isn´t really around much, with the use of an entire character meant only to be sacrificed (Like Funkar?)

Let me know how this works.

Honorable mentions: Battle of Whills will also help Seventh Sister build Droids, but at a much to great cost for my liking.

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