The three stooges.

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Break Windu 8

Wanted to try something different. Gotta get some weapons out early to start getting some resources going. Tried to put some cards in to help cut the costs of weapons and events. With the new set out, there is just so much stuff now, it's hard to figure out just exactly what to use. Any ideas would be welcomed!

3 комментария

Ajones47 576

I really like this! Looks like fun, and 33 health is a lot for your opponent to chew through.

Have you tested this with Imperial Armory - Death Star in order to get those upgrades out more quickly? It might mean claiming a turn or two before you're ready at the start of the game, but unlike resources no one can disrupt that first round Vibro-AX.

The other alternative is just to commit to going slow and swapping Fast Hands out for two copies of Outmaneuver and mulligan hard for them, so that you can claim, weather the storm of damage your opponent tries to throw at you, and start the next round with four or five resources (2+1 from Farm+1 or 2 from Outmaneuver).

The Gamorreans also have Disrupt, which triggers that now forgotten Awakenings card My Kind of Scum for an extra resource.

Ultimately though great deck idea.

Break Windu 8

@Ajones47 I really had a hard time trying to figure out which battlefield to use. I really like Imperial Armory - Death Star, but that extra resource if you can claim really helps with events also. I wanted to put Outmaneuver in, but wasn't sure what to take out. With the amount of damage this deck can take, maybe pulling Fast Hands won't hurt it much. Thanx for the advice, I appreciate it!

Break Windu 8

So I traded out Fast Hands for Outmaneuver to try to get resources quicker. Thanx `@Ajones47!