Padme Rieekan Mill with Extensive Guide

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Captain Absolutely 19


This deck is focused on milling your opponent to their eventual defeat. This is done through the use of Padme's and General Rieekan's abilities, and Yellow upgrades like Con Artist, or supports like Infamous and Spy Net.

Why I chose Jedi Temple

The Jedi Temple battlefield allows you to look at your opponent's hand, and to discard two events of your choice. This deck is focused on discarding your opponent to death, and you can choose two instrumental events and wreck their plans in the egg. If you lose the initial roll and your battlefield isn't chosen, I recommend getting either an Ascension Gun or a Hyperspace Jump as soon as possible.

What to look for in your mulligan

If your battlefield wasn't chosen, then Ascension Gun is a priority, as is Hyperspace Jump. Otherwise, your top priorities are to obtain one copy each of C-3PO, Infamous, and Fast Hands. If you have Diplomatic Immunity, or Con Artist, hold on to them.

Early game

If your opponent's battlefleld has been selected, then the preferable way to use your claim ability is through Ascension Gun, because if you use Hyperspace Jump, your opponent can use it against you, but with the Ascension Gun, they have no recourse and you can use it within the round.

If you have Infamous and Fast Hands, then you should play them first (in that order). After playing Infamous, play Fast Hands on Padme, roll her dice, and instantly resolve one of the results. (Don't spend an extra resource on the if you have C-3PO.)

C-3PO should come out on the first turn if he can. His ability can automatically resolve Padme's , which is good, but there is more that you can use him for.

Once both characters have been activated and resolved, you should claim the battlefield if it has not been claimed already (Please keep in mind that you will have to react to your opponent, and that you are fully within your rights to deviate from this guide at your discresion.)

Mid game

If you get Diplomatic Immunity into your hand, this is a good way to play it: roll General Rieekan and C-3PO. If Rieekan rolls 2 or 2, (which there is a 56% chance he will), then you can use C-3PO's ability to gain 2 resources. Or there is a 54% chance that they will simply roll the resources. Either way you take those two, plus the two starting resources, and play Diplomatic Immunity. (You should also have Con Artist on Padme by round 3).

Diplomatic Immunity is the fulcrum of the deck. It gives you the shields that will allow you to trigger Rieekan's ability. Combined with Fast Hands, it makes these characters nearly invulnerable to damage. Plus, after rolling 4, you can use C-3PO's ability to discard your opponent's entire hand!

Con Artist is another card essential for victory, and should be played on Padme, along with Diplomatic Immunity and Fast Hands. Its is cumulative, and does exactly what this deck is designed to. It is the muscle of the deck, and can be the card that wins the game.

In the meantime, continue to play 1 supports, such as Double-Dealing and Spy Net, and the others copies of the 1 supports. You should mill your opponent's entire deck before you get to what could feasibly be called the late game, but if you get there, there are things that you can do.

Late game

You usually only get to the late game if your opponent has a lot of tough, shield-piercing cards. We can assume that at this point, your characters each have substantial amounts of damage. If this is the case, then you should replace Padme's Con Artist with Lone Operative. This will allow you to heal the damage dealt to you.

Playing Lone Operative on Padme will seriously tempt your opponent. They will start coming after her. And at the last second before she dies, you need to play Second Chance.

While you are losing the damage, it can help to play shielding events like Dug in, or dice mitigation events like Electroshock. Playing these events when your health starts to decline can save you lots of headaches and panic.


This deck is very reliable and I believe that it will become a staple in the meta once Empire at War is released. Leave your comments below and if you want me to change something or recommend a substitution, all you have to do is ask.

Thank you, and may the Force be with you, always!

2 комментария

vrbulldog22 1

I think i like New Orders vs Hyperspace Jump- its cheaper & you can fetch it again with Cheat if needed. I think I’m gonna try to make room for Cunning too, as it gives another discard side (need ways to empty their hand once the deck is gone) & helps resolve more specials, but i like this a lot & was already gonna make a deck starring these two! In my trial run I got the deck empty by the time my chars had sustained fairly heavy damage & i couldnt clear cards in hand (2 upgrades) before i died.

Captain Absolutely 19

Cool! @vrbulldog22 I like your suggestions and I'm glad you like the deck!