EAW Vehicles

Симулятор раздачи карт
Вероятности: 0% – 0% еще
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Simon_ell 13

My version of the deck, aim get a vehicle out and use it several times in on turn. Lots of theory with this and only testing will show what needs changing and how well it will work- if at all!

2 комментария

stranglebat 832

Natural Pilot is risky on these low health characters. whats the plan for keeping those invested resources on the table considering how many resources you will be spending on events and supports.

I wouldn't even be looking to upgrade over lead by example either, as that with Maz or partnership is what will sneak you damage in.

Simon_ell 13

@stranglebat This is all theory at the moment but lead by example and natural pilot do different things, I would most likely play it on the rookie to try and split damage, but until we can properly play we will have to wait and see.