Emperor Palpatine

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adran06 254

So, this is my first deck ever. Might suck in practice, but looking at it, I don't think so.

The idea behind Palpatine seems to be to efficiency. The way I'd use this deck is focusing on the fact I spend as small a number of actions as possible at a time, allowing me to get off my damage and effects faster than my opponent can set up for. By the time they've set up their dice for both characters, I've already played 1 card (usually) and then activated Palpatine. Then since I imagine I may well end up getting 2-4 Special Dice when the game gets to the later stages, I can spam-clear all the special effects to devastate my opponent's dice and characters.

Hidden in Shadow, Immobilize, Force Illusion, and even Palpatine himself give me multiple sources for Shields and defenses, which when combined with the sheer damage potential and speed, may well make up for the fact there's only 1 character.

Emperor's Throne Room is mainly so I can get one guaranteed shot with some of my more potent Specials like Force Throw, Force Push, or Force Choke. In an ideal situation, I could even use it to guarantee Mind Probe activates.

All this said, I don't own the game, and so far I haven't found anywhere to play online. I'd love some feedback on this deck.

5 комментариев

the BEAST 1128

Way too many upgrades...you need about 10-12 upgrades and about 16 events...

You need premonitions, rise again, removals (isolation, feel your anger, doubt, overconfidence), rejuvenate, no mercy, pulling the strings Remove comlink, force choke, hidden in shadow, immobilize, and possibly lure of power

If you want support, I recommend interrogation droid and dark presence

adran06 254

Hidden in Shadow and Immobilize are to make up for the fact I'm only using 1 character. The defenses help me actually survive (or at least that's the theory as I still can't test this deck). I'll look into what you're recommending, but until I can actually test it, I don't think I'll apply the changes.

adran06 254

@the BEAST forgot to include the tag for your name. another thing that I can say now that I've looked at the cards you recommended, I'd never be able to play Rise Again. It's way too expensive for a one-use effect when I could play my Upgrades for cheaper to get continuous effects. Rejuvenate looks good though, so I'll look at trying to get that in at least. I'd much rather have lasting effects that one-use cards though. Events are a way lower priority in my mind. Premonitions just seems kind of useless if it works like it seems to, especially when I can play cards for free with Sith Holocron. Most of the removals are made semi-redundant with all the dice control I already have, which is continuous control I put in.

the BEAST 1128

@adran06 these suggestions were made regarding the most successful ePalp builds. Vibroknife is just too popular to afford pay cards that grant shields...force illusion is the only thing you need. As for removals, they should be your main priority in a one character build. You use your resources for removals, and your holocron for upgrades. Premonitions and rise again is a must. You need to use premonitions to play your free upgrade and to heal for 5. That's why pulling the strings is also good - to dig for your 2nd premonition. Also, no mercy can turn a 3damage to killing a character - it's a game changer. Comming from someone who've tested ePalp before, these are some of the best cards you can ask for...

adran06 254

Okay, I see what you're saying. I'll look into tweaking the deck more then.