TMM Lead by Example

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Вероятности: 0% – 0% еще
Образована от
TMM 1st Place Store Championship 17 players. 19 11 12 2.0
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ddanblack 209

2 комментария

rmohler 591

Very clean build. If I could change one thing, it would be swapping out a 1-cost card for another 0-cost card - 14 one costs seems like a lot.

I saw you mentioned this deck is decked vs FN. What would you mulligan for in a match against a Funkar build? What about an eBala/Nightsister/FN deck?

ddanblack 209

The removal package is some of the best in the game i wouldnt change it you just have to be smart with your money.

I would aim for Salvage Stand and Disarm. You want to stop FN ramping. Shooting off upgrades / killing his money is key. But focus all damage into Unkar/Bala.