You Must Be So Brave

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caseymalone 12

Took some advice and removed some cards, pulled Second Chance for Force Illusion, pulled Fast Hands with the Errata that just dropped.

1 комментарий

jeremyeagles 10

i think it's a bit slow still. I like this load out:

thoughts: bowcaster is crazy expensive. you already have enough disrupt from force throw, although i'm not quite sure why, since the overall goals of this deck are not to choke the opponent out of resources. this is a damage deck / cheat actions deck with a bit of splash damage from events / force throw.

good idea: riposte is still a great way to throw extra damage into a round unexpectedly. You can't count on having 4 resources. you can only count on having 2 money per round with a deck like this. Main goal with rey should be over-write ambush upgrades, cheat out actions, hopefully put force speed in there for more action cheating, with the overall goal of utilizing damage sides of dice before opponent can remove your dice. bb-8 is pretty useless in this deck. if you want focus, you want maz's goggles. if you want money and maybe chance to turn a dice to a special, you want data pad. lightsabers are okay but why not focus on one main goal and one backup goal? in a deck where you are trying to cheat out actions, fast hands is still great. Second chance isn't great only because chewie has a lot of health already. just my two cents.