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Epro 572

Every deck in the meta is all about action cheating, disruption, and claiming early so they can do it all again. This deck aims to counterract by lasting and not caring about the battlefield.

I want to use Meditate in conjunction with Journals of Ben Kenobi, Datapad, Smuggling Freighter to make sure I get my Force Heal and Lone Operative specials consistently.

Double-Dealing is awesome in this deck, tons of triggers. May run two after testing how effective Destiny is turn 1 & 2 with Obi-Wan Kenobi - Mysterious Hermit's 3 side.

Determination is an interesting way to resolve specials. I'm hoping all my 1 cost dice can double up as fodder for Patience to combine with Padme Amidala - Queen of Naboo's special to win me the game.

I went with Secluded Beach - Scarif because I don't intend to claim much if ever. New Orders to switch to it seems like a decent double-screw for Poe/Maz or anyone else reliant on their battleground. Command Center - Lothal seems like it would only hurt me.

This deck is untested/untweaked so look for changes as I play it at tourneys.

5 комментариев

Epro 572

Played 3 rounds tonight. Beat an IG-88/FN and another Amidala and lost to emo twins. I felt like Smuggling Freighter, New Orders, and Datapad were all underwhelming. Faced more 3 sides than usual with the matchups which made Electroshock seem weak.

Double-Dealing is really consistent, I may consider having 2. Meditate could maybe get the 2nd cut but it feels good to consistently draw it.

I used Destiny on one of Obi's 3 side to play a free Lone Operative turn 1, that felt good. I didn't roll the 3 side, rather I focused to it using Maz's Goggles so I think the consistency is there to keep Destinyx2.

Considering Ammo Belt or Force Illusion.

Davclarke 60

Love this character pairing, just posted a very similar deck and looked to see if there was anything similar and saw yours.

what's your luck with patience been like, I've been hitting 8+ every time and put in cards to ensure can get patience back?

Epro 572

8+ EVERY time? Good god man. I usually plug for 5 or 6 but realistically that extra milling isn't as important to my strategy as staying alive is. Most decks, the damage is coming regardless...if you get them in a win by mill situation it's because you survived, not cause you got them for an extra 2 cards earlier.

Definitely considering either some Cheat or Scavenge action to pop Second Chance over again though.

Davclarke 60

Its true, survival is the top priority. I havnt played much mill, but it seems to me a good mill play is the best defense against opponent damage. If you can mill two cards instead of mitigating a damage die for example, you're better off. It speeds up your win condition, and hopefully passively prevents damage and combos by removing key cards.

talism 36

No Con Artist seems odd, why not that over cunning, the ramp you can get seems better over using cunning on Padme Amidala - Queen of Naboo, also i think a 2nd Determination should be in here. it will let you when showing a , turn any side into a to clear there hand. Imagine Obi-Wan Kenobi - Mysterious Hermit 3 being used as