Endless $wag - 31 Player Store Championship Winning Edition

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Tybrid 922

This was the deck used to win the 31 Player Store Championship at Parker,Banner,Kent and Wayne in Charlotte NC. I did not personally run this version, but thought it should be posted for all to see.

7 комментариев

razor089 26

Do you know if Hunker Down was actually useful? Seems like that card would have been made almost obsolete with Vibroknife running around lol

Tybrid 922

So Hunker Down is a key card for this deck. It generates shields which add to overall survival of your characters. Vibroknife is one upgrade, two at best, and still needs the die in the pool to function. While it does make Hunker Down slightly worse, the value gained from the shields, as well as the ability to stall without passing is AMAZING.

SemiSeriousSam 1

Not even 1 Training?

Tybrid 922

@SemiSeriousSam everything about this deck is for building board state that isn't lost when a character dies. Training isn't on board with that plan. It makes the training recipient a huge target that usually dies before he's able to resolve those dice more than once.

Nukesquad 3

I saw this and tried it locally last night. It was so slow, it was awesome! It would have a damn difficult time against Poe/Maz throwing double thermal followed by U-wings, but its pretty tough for conventional decks to handle.

There was a couple of game where it came down to the wire because my Endless ranks were right at the bottom and I almost mill myself out in almost every matchup.

jdharms 1

Would x2 Holdout Blaster be a decent substitute for the Batons?

Ion87 25

Did you run into issues with time limits at your tournament? I built this deck and played with a friend, and the games seemed to go on quite a while with the endless ranks. If so, did the time limit work in your favor or not?