Working for the Mon

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Working for the Mon 1 1 2 2.0

MTUethomas 39

I pulled Mon Mothma - Skilled Politician and Rebel Commando and traded a Jedi Acolyte for a Padawan to replace Hired Gun so that it could be in this deck.

This is a first go at running Mon Mothma - Skilled Politician. I'd actually like to see more guns and another copy of Planned Explosion. I'm especially interested in making that explosion go off using lots of re-rolling. So far this plays well but the dice are all spread out most of the time between droids and characters so that it can be tricky to know what to activate first.

I'd like to keep the emphasis on events and am starting to wonder with Mon Mothma - Skilled Politician's ability if it might not actually be better to go all 3 colors in order to more fully mess with opponent die.

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