88 Plutts - Upgrades for Days/Sneaky Crime Lord

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88 Plutts - Upgrades for Days/Sneaky Crime Lord 0 0 0 2.0
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Earman22 122

Pretty simple strategy. Upgrade IG-88 - Assassin Droid for cheap with specials. Throw Cunning on Unkar Plutt - Junk Dealer to do the same (with IG-88 - Assassin Droid's ability).

The goal of this deck is to naturally kill a character with IG-88 - Assassin Droid's damage die/upgrades, then kill the 2nd character with a Crime Lord.

Either character can hold the Crime Lord, and can easily obtain it via Ace in the Hole, or by naturally purchasing it with the resource accumulation with Arms Deal or Unkar Plutt - Junk Dealer's resource ability.

Using Armed to the Teeth is good for some last minute damage before dying off, since upgrades are cheap. Use Arms Deal since you'll have plenty of weapons in hand as a quick way to get those necessary resources to pull off Crime Lord surprisingly. Throw Infamous in there to do the surprising cheats, such as Ace in the Hole or Arms Deal directly into Crime Lord.

It seems like there's a lot of ways to kill off your opponent with all the upgrade possibilities and different ways of pulling off Crime Lord.

Let me know what you think. I'll be testing this quite a bit and I'm going to try and make it viable enough to compete. Between this and my Aurra Sing - Deadly Shot/Jango Fett - Lethal Mercenary deck (Sing'ing Jango), I'm having a hard time moving away from Yellow Villian.

Crime Lord needs a viable deck. This could be it.

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