Store Champ Winner: ePoe/eMaz

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bellcitygeekery 176

Poe Dameron - Ace PilotMaz Kanata - Pirate Queen

Won a 15 person store championship.

1st matchup: ePalp 2nd matchup: eJabba/eUnkar 3rd matchup: ePalp 4th matchup: ePoe/eMaz

21 комментарий

Moonseer 73

Congrats on the win, very well deserved!

TinyGrimes 3210

Grats on the win, and some very interesting deck choices. Care to comment on the 1 Dug In?

mongon210 1

How was your match vs palp? I've had some problems winning that match up

bellcitygeekery 176

@Moonseer Thank you very much :)

@TinyGrimes 3 shields barely does anything in this game anymore, having more than one isn't really worth it especially when you need the battlefield, which sometimes you don't. I'd rather have removal, or something I can do on any of my turns. Getting stuck with a defensive position or a dug in when you don't have the battlefield isn't optimal.

@mongon210 I lost about 25 games in a row to ePalp before I made these changes to my deck. I'm currently about 1 loss to Palp now in about 45 ish games. You also have to play differently depending on what you're up against. My hard mulligan against ePalp is much different than the mirror and is much different than a 3 character deck, etc. Also deciding which battleground to have depending on your mulligan is also important.

If I win my battlefield and have a New Orders in my hand, I will take Palps battlefield, gain the two shields, so he doesn't start at 15 and then play new orders to remove one of his Palp dice, then play out the rest of my turn.

When you're playing against ePalp, staying ahead is huge, especially with my battlefield, you're going to want to take a die each turn. I will also almost never reroll during my turn. If and when I have bad rolls, depending on what Palp has going on, I will resolve what I can with Maz, and claim to get rid of one of his dice, and then try again next turn. If they are claiming really early to get a Poe die, they are doing less damage with Palp because they don't resolve anything. You also can't rely on doing only 3-6 damage from Poe on a good day to beat him. One, he generates shields, has rise again, and force illusion.

Always Always Always equip a DL-44 if you can when playing against him, and do it after he's rolled in so he loses a die, which means you're going to equip to Maz, and then roll her in with the Ambush action and then resolve 2 dice. Palp also has the capability to roll huge, and also most of his sides are 2 sides. So defensive position is always good to have.

But planetary uprising is the true hero here. I'm usually claiming early, which means I can forgo resolving a Poe die, or rerolling, just to claim and remove one of his to do damage.

Basically, when I mulligan for my cards, I never ever ever ever keep upgrades. There's so many in the deck, you're going to get them back. So you need to be reaching for whatever else keeps you ahead. Hope that helps you with Palp.

mongon210 1

Do you miss Emperor's Throne Room? When I play vs ePalp, he just is able to clam faster and with 2 rise again and 2 force illusion, I just never can do enough to kill him before he eventually grinds me down. One combo thats helped a bit has been using maz goggles and when i roll her i focus to the special to discard their rise again from the hand. Helps immensely but it'd be harder to pull of without Throne Room.

bellcitygeekery 176

@mongon210 No, I think Emperor's Throne Room is the poor choice in Battlefields with this deck, it'll help out too many other decks in the current meta, including a Palp deck if they claim against you, a 4 damage mind probe, or a force throw to remove one of your dice is worse than them removing a die from me. But again, you have to use this battlefield to your advantage. Get away from feeling like you have to resolve everything, or like the deck is only good for damage.

You know that Palp has Rise Again in his deck. Use Launch Bay and disrupt all his resource, or do a 4 card discard to make him discard all those good cards. Unless Palp is rolling in all the same damage type, on every die, he shouldn't be faster than you, unless of course, you're trying to roll in all the damage possible. Again, avoid rerolls unless your opponent has already claimed, remove a die with an event, or all the dice with an event. Again, against Palp, you need to be dealing more damage than the 3-6 with Poe, it's just not enough. You need to play out a weapon or get your Planetary Uprisings out. Then claim and take away another die, and start again next turn. If you can claim, take away and die, and deal 2-4 damage with Planetary Uprising, you're doing more damage to him than discarding and rerolling to get that last special or 3 damage from Poe.

mongon210 1

k thanks for the input, Ill try to change up my playstyle and see if it helps. Ill have to add in some more dice mitigation cards as well to help get rid of his dice

RJM 121

As a steadfast Palpatine player, I can confirm and agree with @bellcitygeekery on his advice for that matchup.

Frozen Wastes is the BG I least like to see out of Poe/Maz. And the cards in deck that wreck me hardest are Planetary Uprising, Defensive Positions, and the clever uses of New Orders in the early turns.

Just about every time I've faced a Poe/Maz pilot that had the incorrect battleground, or didn't prioritize the above cards for mulligans, I've won my games.

bellcitygeekery 176

@RJM She, but I'll take the compliment :P #GirlPower

RJM 121

@bellcitygeekery Ah, apologies. It's an easy bad habit to default to on the internet. No offense intended, and congrats on the win!

bellcitygeekery 176

@RJM it's an easy default in a male dominated industry. I didn't take offence at all, I was just teasing, and thank you!

mongon210 1

How do you like rocket launcher? I've been using launch bay because i felt Launcher used up to many resources which could be used for other things that were more important like mitigation cards and Launch Bay was versatile.

bellcitygeekery 176

@mongon210 I'm a very aggressive discarder, unless I'm playing against mill. I know what I need to grab to win, and so I will discard a lot of upgrades to get to it. Rocket Launcher is the first to get discarded while I'm playing, especially if I also have the Falcon in Hand. Though I haven't found that I have any resource problems much at all while playing. Worst case if you can't find your DL, equipping a rocket launcher to Maz will be just as good.

CBMarkham 371

Congrats on realizing Frozen Wastes is optimal. Most people haven't. Good call.

mongon210 1

Thanks for all your help and answering all my questions, you've been a big help :) The poe/maz decks that topped at the European championships were running some interesting tech. All used Throne Room though, I guess it's players preference.

bellcitygeekery 176

@CBMarkham I had used CFC in testing for a long while, but decided on Frozen Wastes as it was better to be able to remove dice when I needed than to have them lost all together, especially with the potential to have mine taken away as well if I fall behind. Was worse losing a Poe die, than a Maz die, but it still worked really well too, because GENERALLY I was faster.

im_furious_u 1

Thanks for posting this deck. I had significantly better results against ePalpatine tonight than I've have with the standard Moe deck.

bellcitygeekery 176

@im_furious_u I'm glad you found it helpful. Hopefully you continue to improve against him.

melktertjie 1

What do you think about Fair Trade and Flank - especially against Palp?

bellcitygeekery 176

@melktertjie I try to avoid cards that have a singular purpose, if you never roll that resource, it's a dead card. Plus you're never really low on resources, unless you're thinking of using it to prevent rise again? But if you never pull it, or want to resolve those dice for something else, it's a dead card. Same for Flank, I mean, you're going first most of the time, or at least should be. But if they are going first, then it could have it's use, but it get's riskier once one of your characters is gone, and then you risk having a dead card again if pulled later in the game.

sunnyravencourt 19

Won my store championship with this deck. 20ish person. Highly effective removal.