Ghost Ship (SC Top 4)

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Hero Rainbow 0 0 0 1.0
Modified "Ghost Ship" 0 0 0 1.0

Flaxative 375

4th place in Eudemonia Store Championships 6/3/17. Only match loss was a weird one to a cool rainbow villain mill.

But this deck can kick serious ass. It's fast. It's tenacious. It's dirty.

Keep your characters kicking and your opponents guessing with the Ghost Ship!


You want round 1 upgrades on Rey. Mull aggressively for Force Speed. You're happy to see Vibroknife, Rey's Staff, Maz's Goggles, or Holdout Blaster in your starting hand, in roughly that order. Keep no more than one Electroshock or Flank in your opening hand, and only if you're up against a team that's likely to throw a serious scare your way in the first round. You don't want Field Medic or any other removals in your starting hand. Promotion is good.

If your starting hand includes Logistics, or Force Speed & C-3PO, you're probably happy to hold onto Force Throw or Lone Operative. (If you can drop either in the first round, you're in good shape.)


Your initiative ain't bad, almost an average of 4. And basically no matter what your opponent's battlefield is, you'll want to pick it given the chance. The shields are more important to you than the effect, and also, this team claims surprisingly often. Mos Eisley is the field I brought because it's safe and boring (and also stupid good with Force Speed), but this deck is pretty happy to mess with the enemy battlefield. Maybe you should pick your own battlefield if the opponent brought Emperor's Throne Room and you don't have starting Force Speed.

If you have Force Speed in your starting hand, you will be claiming way more often than most 3-character teams. More often than many 2-character teams, even. Your opponent won't expect you to claim as quickly as you will. Don't be afraid of your opponent's battlefield. Take the 4-life swing in your advantage. The really good news? Most players will think their specially-selected battlefields are worth more to them than the 4 life, and will pick their own battlefields when able. They're wrong :)


  1. Put Force Speed on Rey.
  2. Play an Ambush upgrade on Rey.
  3. Activate Rey.
  4. Activate Maz.
  5. Resolve two dice for free, including Force Speed .
  6. Take two more actions.

You can do this loop roughly 6 times a game, as you have 6 ambush upgrades in your deck. You don't need it to win but man it feels dirty when you execute it, especially if your rolls are good. If they're not? Use Ackbar, Maz's Goggles, and C-3PO to fix. (If Mos Eisley is the battlefield, you can use it to recur this interaction.)

If you can tron Rey early, Leadership is one of the sickest plays possible in this deck.

C-3PO can guarantee on Lone Operative, Handcrafted Light Bow, Force Throw... don't underestimate this interaction. Consider rolling him out as your first action in a round so that you can use his ability in step 4 or 6 above, without slowing down.

Rey is a natural first target for your opponent. Keep her alive with Field Medic and Lone Operative... for a while, at least. Then, when she's at death's door, swap her upgrades out for Holdout Blasters and Bowcaster and watch your opponents' jaws drop when Maz starts blasting them. (It's hard to overstate the potency of rolling Maz -> -> Bowcaster 4...)

Because Admiral Ackbar is somehow your least immediate threat, he'll probably be your last character standing. That means his ability is working for you all game. Talk about value!

Play Electroshock and Reversal whenever possible, really. Maz is squishy. These cards are powerful but only if you can legally play them.

Conditional Stuff

Smuggling Freighter: I love this card. But it really shines when you have C-3PO to turn its 2-value sides into or, more rarely, . You usually don't want this early, but with Maz or Ackbar's you can try to use it to ramp .

Sensor Placement: This is basically a hate card for Sith decks, which I think is main deckable because works in enough other situations. Sometimes it's useless. You'll often discard it for rerolls. But when you resolve your opponent's Mind Probe for a 10 life wing you won't be asking why it's in the deck. It's also amazing against Palpatine, Baby Vader, Force Throw, Thermal Detonator, ... ...

Vibroknife: Just a couple cool interactions I want to mention. First of all, Lone Operative has a melee side. Don't forget this! It's your only way to deal 2 with one die, and it's siiick if Vibroknife is in your pool. Also! C-3PO? Ackbar's (or Goggles) 2, Smuggling Freighter's 2 or 2—these are all 2 unblockable damage if Vibroknife is in your pool and C-3PO is online.


I might add more thoughts later. I'm not done with this deck. It's capable of stupid fast rounds, surprising damage, and a ton of survivability. 27 hp, 3 characters, 4 dice, 3 colors. Your opponents won't know what to expect. Mess with the list and try out different upgrades and events. See what works, what's fun.

And most of all: roll well.

6 комментариев

djmax101 1

I've been trying out a similar deck (featuring Snap rather than Ackbar, but the upgrade mix is eerily similar) and it is surprisingly effective against everything else that I've thrown against it. The ambush on Rey to Maz to Force Speed is ultimate cheese, and is really fun to pull off.

Flaxative 375

@djmax101 Cool! What do you like about Snap in the deck, and what events do you run?

djmax101 1

I had chosen Snap because this deck can ramp very well if it survives long enough, and Snap's ability + multiple disrupt sides can help slow down the opposing player. That being said, I don't know if he is the optimal choice - it's just who I've been using. In terms of events, I've been trying out a bunch of different things, but I seemingly get the most use (rather than discarding for re-rolls) out of the dice control and mitigation events, so I'm also using Loth-Cat and Mouse and Cheat (used to grab another Electroshock or Flank).

Flaxative 375

@djmax101 Interesting re: Snap. I like Snap but I love more. I might try running him and seeing how it plays :)

Cheat seems cool. I might try to find room for a copy or two. Tutors (even graveyard tutors) are really good in toolboxes...

Chased 1

@Flaxative Are you card hunter Flaxative?

Flaxative 375

@Chased That's me!