SoR Mill

Симулятор раздачи карт
Вероятности: 0% – 0% еще
Образована от
Ничего. Это самодельная колода.
Основа для
Еще ничего.

ooodak 1

Quick note: This deck was built from cards I own and is not necessarily optimized. A big note is that I essentially have 0 Awakenings cards as I joined about a month ago. This is the deck I'm currently running in it's current state.

Modification Notes: Fast Hands (somehow don't own a copy) - if added will be used on Ventress only, as her roles win or lose the game. Possibly pull Con Artist (?), slow and relatively weak card, but high upside if it get's rolling. Or pull Now I Am The Master (just too many upgrades and it's not huge). Force Speed is also a consideration, though I believe Fast Hands may be stronger.

Regular Vader over eVentress (?) pluses are more health, but he replaces her focus with shield, and the focus side can be game changing. In addition his effect is more consistent at discard, though Ventress punishes rerolling discards-not sold on either variance.

Upgrade Battleground to Command Center*

Gameplay Notes:


Ideally you don't use Command Center/War Torn Streets (see Ascension Gun) - It's important to note that this is a very slow deck, a lot to do every turn. As a result will often lose the BG. It's better to keep the BG you want outside the deck so you aren't yourself getting milled and you can be milling your opponent.

Turn 1, roll for resources, this will be the biggest and longest turn. You want to setup as much as possible. Mill hard for Force Push/Force Throw/Immobilize. You want these on Ventress early and you want to be throwing Ventress first every time.

(May want Fast Hands to quickly use Focus/Specials). The reason it's key to have Ventress roll first is because her kit has the Focus you may need, but more importantly, her upgrades are your defensive tools. The ability to remove your opponents damage is key to surviving early. This decks sets up a lot of Upgrades and once rolling is insanely rough to get through.

General Setup notes. Throw Blackmail on Unkar-this is big because Unkar rolls second every time. You want Blackmail to go through, so it gives you a chance to disrupt your opponent before Blackmail is rolled. Also important to note Salvage Stand triggers at the same time as Blackmail, so even if your opponent has 1 resource, you can usually disrupt it BEFORE they can pay for Blackmail. Ultimately you don't really need the resources, and denying your opponent resources can win you the game. Also remember that even if you roll Disrupt and your opponent has no resources, you can fall back on Unkar's ability.

Every turn you want to disrupt your opponents damage and dice as much as possible until they are out of actions. If your opponent starts discarding cards to re-roll then Ventress kicks in.

Other notes- Cheat is a clutch card, nothing like playing 4 copies of a strong card, or grabbing back something that your opponent milled from you. Your objective is to survive, your deck will eventually cause your opponent to run out of cards, the key is just making it to that point.

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