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Jabba mill | 1 | 0 | 0 | 2.0 |
Jabba Unkar 5-2 NSW Regionals. Full Writeup & Guide | 11 | 9 | 9 | 1.0 |
Jankar Mill - 10-2 atm | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
Virani 358
I'm not really sure this still qualifies as jank, but this is the deck I brought to the Dutch Nationals today and won the event with.
After getting a lot of requests to share the decklist here it is :)
I know people usually write full reports on how to play the decks, but I believe it's more fun to disover for yourself how to actually use a deck.
31 комментарий |
Why would anyone ask you how to play this? Its clear as day its a Mill/buyout deck lol. Zero copies of crime lord and cant do damage. |
What decks did you go up against? |
Yeah I'd like to know |
Not sure I remember all of them; FN Royal Guard Bala (finals) Phasma Vader (swiss multiple times) FN Phasma Bala (swiss and semi-finals) FO Trooper FO Trooper Guavian Ciena (swiss andquarter-finals) Death Trooper x3 (swiss) Kylo FN (loss in the final round of swiss) I did not play against the entire top 8 during the event but I did encounter all the represented decks. The FN, Death Trooper and Phasma BabyVader decks were really close games and some I won with only 2hp total left. Vehicle decks are like easy-mode for this deck. Kylo/FN is very very difficult to beat but after the erratas you should have a little bit more room to breath. |
A LOT more room to breathe. That this won in the old Phasma/Kylo meta is pretty impressive. |
Phasma Vader (swiss multiple times) it was a 3 dice deck ? i mean it was old or new Phasma ? |
These were ePhasma2/eBabyVader decks, so 4 heavy hitting dice. |
Congratulation to the victory, very impressive that you win BEFORE the errata. Will give it a try soon :) |
ok so the national was a pre FAQ ruling ? cause ephasma2/ebabyvader = 14+17 = 31pts for 4 dices |
Yes, the event was the last day before the new rules entered the game. |
how many cards did you mill with the two buy outs on average? |
I think on average per game 4 in total. Like I said, it is not dependent on Buy Out at all :) |
I sat next to this legend when he was playing the deck at the final table and both of the games played his buyouts were way to late but he still won those games. Buyout helps him in games but it is not the only way to win. |
Nice deck. Will have to try this out sometime. |
Congrats! How effective did Datapad play in your deck? More on the lines of resources or the special side? I'm been working on Chance Cube more with the ability to do more things on your turn and increase the resource spend on buyout. |
I prefer Datapad over Chance Cube since I do not like to pay for stuff, especially not if I don’t know what I will get. |
What did you mulligan for? |
There is not really a simple answer to that question. It completely depends on your opponent and it’s biggest threat.
Just make sure to always keep a Blackmail and at least one Fast Hands. You should always ditch Buy Out, Unpredictable and Sound the Alarm to save these for later. Looks like I did a small guide after all :) |
How did you beat decks that had ancient lightsaber? When I tested out your deck , they kept putting their ancient light saber or lukes protection back on the top which costed me the game? How did you overcome this? |
Awesome deck, this looks like a ton of fun! Did you consider playing Friends In Low Places? |
In my opinion there is not really a good time to play it during a round. If it is your first action you can not put pressure on your opponent, it you save it for later during the round, there is not really a good time between resolving discard dice, opponent playing cards or discarding to reroll and using Unkars ability. Besides, except for Rend, most events you are scared of cost more than 1 resource. Them spending a card to remove one your dice actually benefits you :) |
This deck looks great. I had Unkar Plutt - Junk Dealer & Jabba the Hutt - The Great and Mighty paired up but I found that it was trying to do too much with Second Chance & Buy Out and also Crime Lord and was very inconsistent. This is streamlined and awesome. I am switching right away. |
Errr. I meant to type Chance Cube in the post before this one. |
Is there any video of your games ? Would love to see it in action |
There was no video at the event unfortunately. |
`@Virani how would you update your deck for Legacies? I love mill and made some changes to your deck with the new set. Furthermore, how are you able to keep the speed to mill someone out in time if you're not counting on a big Buyout turn? Thanks! |
Congrats for the finish! Do you think a full mill oriented version like this performs better than a crimelord/mill mixed version?